Posts Tagged " fibers "
อาซาฮี คาเซอิ สปันบอนด์ ฉลองเปิดโรงงานผลิตผ้า พีพีสปันบอนด์ ในจังหวัดชลบุรี_Asahi Kasie Fibers held a grand opening ceremony for a new polypropylene spunbond plant in Thailand

13 February 2013 Details Asahi Kasei Fibers held a Grand Opening Ceremony for a new PP spunbond plant in Chonburi ...
Renewable paraxylene for fully renewable PET for bottles_packaging films and fibers from Gevo supported by The Coca_Cola Company and Toray

26 August 2013 Details Gevo, Inc. , the world's only commercial producer of bio-isobutanol , today held a ribbon cut...
Indorama Ventures announce the acquisition of 80 percent equity of PHP Fibers GmbH and its subsidiaries

3 February Details Indorama Ventures Plc. (IVL) is pleased to announce the acquisition of PHP Fibers GmbH and ...
Asahi Kasei Fibers will expand production capacity for spunbond nonwovens in Thailand at its subsidiary Asahi Kasei Spunbond (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (AKST). AKST will add a new production line of 20,000 tons/year capacity

14 May 2014 Details Since beginning its spunbond business in 1973, Asahi Kasei Fibers has supplied spunbond ...
Tex Tech Industries Acquires Universal Carbon Fibres_UCF_engaged in designed and manufactured high-performance yarns and fabrics, predominantly from carbon-based fibers_for use in technical and extreme environments

8 August 2014 ABOUT TEX TECH ABOUT UNIVERSAL CARBON FIBRES Details Portland, Maine (USA), Tex Tech Indu...
แบมบูไฟเบอร์เทคโนโลยี (ประเทศไทย) เตรียมผลิตเส้นใยจากไม้ไผ่ ในจังหวัดลำพูน โดยได้รับการส่งเสริมการลงทุนจากบีโอไอ_ BAMBOO FIBERS TECHNOLOGY THAILAND to produce bamboo fiber in Lamphun province in Thailand

30 เมษายน 2557 รายละเอียด สํานักงานคณะกรรมการส่งเสริมการลงทุน (บีโอไอ) ผลการประชุมคณะทํางานพิจารณาโครงการ ครั้งที่ 16...
IVL_Indorama Ventures_acquires 100 percent equity stake in Performance Fibers Asia_A leading producer of premium polyester tire cord fabric in Asia_ฺby chemwinfo

8 December 2014 ABOUT INDORAMA VENTUERS, IVL ABOUT PERFORMANCE FIBERS PF Asia is a leading producer of pre...
PolyOne Corporation announced the acquisition of Magenta Master Fibers (Magenta), an innovative developer of specialty solid color concentrates for the global fiber industry_by chemwinfo

9 December 2015 ABOUT POLYONE CORPORATION ABOUT MAGENTA MASTER FIBERS Magenta Master Fibers (MMF) is a wo...
Sika open new production plant in Australia_The new site will increase capacities for concrete admixtures and synthetic fibers_by chemwinfo

14 July 2016 ABOUT SIKA DETAILS With the opening of a new production plant in Bibra Lake near Perth, Sika is ...
Chinas Largest Propane Dehydrogenation Unit Using Honeywell UOP Technology_Wanhua Chemical Group Co., Ltd. produces 750,000 metric tons of propylene annually for use in plastics, packaging and synthetic fibers_by chemwinfo

3 May 2017 ABOUT HONEYWELL UOP ABOUT WANHUA CHEMICAL DETAILS Honeywell announced today the succes...